Books Finite and infinite Games - James P. Carce Gödel, Escher, Bach - Douglas R. Hofstadter The Collapse of Complex Societies - Joseph A. Tainter Synergetics - Buckminster FUller Critical Path - Buckminster Fuller The Best That Money Can't Buy - Jacque Fresco Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth - Buckminster FUller Superintelligence - Nick Bostrom Global Catastrophic Risks - Nick Bostrom and Milan M. Cirkovic Investigations - Stuart Kauffman MorphogenesiS Vol. 3 (Collected Works of A.M. Turing) - P.T. Saunders At Home In The Universe - Stuart Koffman AN IMMANENT METAPHYSICS - FORREST LANDRY MEDITATIONS (DELUXE HARDBOUND EDITION) - MARCUS AURELIUS Reinventing The Sacred - Stuart Kauffman The End of Certainty - Ilya Prigogine From Being To Becoming - Ilya Prigogine Principles of Biological Autonomy - Francisco J. Varela Democracy Is Self-Government - Harold W. Percival Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu Man's Search For Meaning - Victor E. Frankl The Future Of Man - Teilhard De Chardin Think On These THings - J. Krishnamurti Metametaphysics - David Chalmers (Editor), David Manley (Editor), Ryan Wasserman (Editor) Wholeness and the Implicate Order - David Bohm Human Purpose and Transhuman Potential - Ted Chu Mind & Cosmos - Thomas Nagel Your Unique Self - Marc Gafni Conscious Evolution - Barbara Marx Hubbard Sex, Ecology, Spirituality - Ken Wilber A Brief History Of Everything - Ken Wilber Sex At Dawn - Christopher Ryan Science Set Free - Rupert Sheldrake Permaculture - Bill Mollison Social Justice and Educational Measurement - Zachary Stein Theory of Games and Economic Behavior - John von Neumann, Oskar Morgenstern Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World - René Girard The Art Of War - Sun Tzu The Hundred-Year Marathon - Michael Pillsbury Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques References Tm 31-200-1 - Pentagon U.S. Military Unrestricted Warfare - Qiao Liang, Wang Xiangsui The Age of Surveillance Capitalism - Shoshana Zuboff The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene Mahabharata - William Buck Ramayana, 35th Anniversary Edition - William Buck The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands Love Poems from God - Various The Selfish Gene: 40th Anniversary Edition - Richard Dawkins Antifragile - Nassim Nicholas Taleb