Some of the central questions being explored here:

  • How do we create a world that is antifragile factoring increasingly decentralized exponential technologies? 
  • What would it take to achieve effective global coordination such that humanity could do both long range comprehensive planning and factor new information with fast processing cycles?
  • With the first fully globalized civilization, how do we avoid the collapse fate that has befallen all previous civilizations? 
  • How do we do adequate safety analysis on radically unprecedented, complex, and consequential technologies like artificial intelligence and synthetic biology? Moreover, how do we bind the development of these technologies to those safety analyses and ensure that they are neither weaponized nor deployed negligently? 
  • How would we best
    • Identify and internalize externalities in the decision making process?
    • Identify and remove perverse economic interests systemically? 
    • Identify and remove (the basis for) corruption, without debasing creative agency? 
    • Bind predative power asymmetries where said asymmetries tend to confer the power to protect and advance themselves?
    • Account for types of value that are real but aren’t quantifiable, extractable, and exchangeable, in relationship to the types of value that are…factoring the relative power conferred by the latter type?
  • How can we change the topology of incentive landscapes in the direction towards long term life enhancement?
  • How do we close the niches for predatory behavior?
  • How can we better bind wisdom and influence?
  • What are effective types of immune systems for corruption in governance systems?
  • How can we develop processes for collective intelligence that get smarter per capita with scale?
  • How do we comprehensively disincentivize misinformation and harm to the information ecology and epistemic commons? 
  • How do we develop authentic virtue in people while disincentivizing virtue signaling? 
  • Immediately, how do we make it through an increasingly multi-polar world, caught in economic extraction races as we near ecological limits of growth, empowered by increasingly catastrophic weapons and tools for increasingly effective widespread disinformation? 


New Economic Series: Part 4

"For the vast majority of human history pre-surplus, it is fair to say we were pre-economic beings: like all other animals, we were a part of the ecology. This means we lived in dynamic relationship with the natural world, and in critical interdependence with each other."

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New Economic Series: Part 3

"If a system of collective intelligence is autopoietic (has self-generating momentum) and maladaptive, it is (eventually) an existential threat."

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New Economics Series: Part 2

"Vectoring towards omni-win-win means making an omni-win-win choice whenever possible, and when not, making the choice closest to omni-win-win, that increases omni-win-win choice potential in the future."

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