The Digital Porch: Session 1 w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger
This is apart of The Stoa’s “Sensemaker in Residence” series.
Video 1
03:50 | Is there anything you want to share to set the frame for this series? |
05:38 | How can a place, a digital campfire like the Stoa, help with The Consilience
Project? So, maybe like an overview of the project and how can we help with it? |
11:10 | For those who are lower in the world power hierarchy, what can we do to be more
effective in making systemic change when the owners of capital have other ends? |
14:23 | Could you expand on that last point a bit more – the kind of intelligence of
how influence itself works? |
20:36 | How can you actually get better at games of power (Game A) while still remaining Game B
committed? |
25:42 | How does one not become emotionally damaged by having to play the game of power, eg, someone like Elon Musk having an easy time firing people? |
27:25 | Were there any moments in your life where you felt like you were in a wrong
relationship with power? What did you do to correct that? What kind of ecology of practices or relationships did you have in order to keep you in right relationship with power? |
35:03 | Is there a single resource that you know of that has the most bang for your
buck when it comes to understanding power? |
38:47 | How do you factor sexual selection dynamics in game B? |
48:42 | What are your thoughts on monogamy vs polyamory as relationship structures? What was your personal choice with regard to these? |
53:04 | What virtues can one learn from each of those relationship structures (monogamous, poly, celibate)? Which virtues are best learned in each? |
1:06:04 | How do you navigate relationships with people who don’t hold similar values for their own development? |
1:10:45 | How can we foster a collective intelligence that’s inclusive and integrates forms of wisdom other than purely rational analytics? |
The Digital Porch: Session 2 w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger
Video 2
03:03 | Which questions or concerns, maybe related to the project you’re working on or something personal, are really alive for you right now? |
06:00 | What are the common themes and advice you give for people to become more sovereign? |
10:36 | Were you always so clear on what was most meaningful for you and how to articulate it?
Do you have a system or mechanism in place to update it? |
14:55 | What are your thoughts about having children? How can one justify having a baby or bringing a life into existence (with all the challenges and risks we face)? |
23:48 | What is the role of psychedelics in helping us to escape realities manufactured by algorithms and changing our relationships to each other and the world so we can transition from game A to game B? |
39:30 | Have you ever had any insights from lucid dreams about problems you’ve been working on? Does shamanic/lucid dreaming and the shared interpretation of those dreams have a potential role in therapy or collective sensemaking? |
52:15 | What is the proper balance of inner work (the internal motivation for change) and external work or activism? Does one precede the other? |
59:23 | How would you describe your mental architecture? How do you personally store and access various types of information and memories? |
1:09:16 | How do you manage your time to get things done? How do you decide among what you have to get done which things to focus on that are the most meaningful? |
1:18:36 | Which questions do you have right now Daniel that we can help you find practical, valuable answers for? |
The Digital Porch: Session 3 w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger
Video 3
02:02 | Did anything come alive for you when you read (our article on reality tunnel switching)? |
03:07 | Do we all have to confront evil together on a cultural level? |
03:26 | What is evil as a phenomenon and a construct? Do you believe it exists? If so, or something like it exists, how should we personally and collectively respond to it? |
20:38 | Can you speak to the way cultures select for institutionalized sociopathy? |
21:04 | How do you set up your personal empathy stack? What emotionally vaillant content do you bring into your life intentionally to relate to the world? |
27:00 | How do you choose what to respond to? Is it about figuring about what our agency is, emotionally relating to those things we actually have agency over or is that limiting our scope? |
29:56 | How do you personally parse those things apart to avoid limbic hijacking in the media ecosystem as it is today? |
33:24 | How do we best create systems where people of different developmental stages can all develop? At what rate? |
33:27 | Do you have any insight into creating a methodology that takes each stage of the integral model (egocentric, ethnocentric, and world centric) into account to bring us collectively into the ability to hold a higher level of globalized empathy or perspective as we head into game B? |
35:54 | How can we prevent prototype structures for game B from becoming like a cult with an us-versus-them mentality? Will physically decentralized groups help prevent unnecessary uprooting? |
41:39 | What are you learning from your entitlement inquiry on Facebook? |
46:26 | How do we break the frames of what we know matters to us, why and what the barriers are in order to unlock the new problem space? |
50:45 | How can we think with other people to discover a new vision or rediscover an old one so that we can have a new sense of what we know, also in practical terms? |
58:11 | What are the aspects of personal development and personal practice that you’ve been thinking about the most lately? Where do we need to pay the most attention in personal practice and development? What are we lacking the most and not paying attention to? What are recent developments you’ve seen in these areas, new psycho technologies, that could be useful for people to explore? |
1:05:35 | Given the framework just shared for a wisdom gym, do you think there’s any potential there? What would you say to guide that process? |
1:13:36 | Do you have any metasystems or frameworks of practice you personally use or recommend (like Ken Wilbur’s “growing up, showing up, cleaning up”) to help negotiate what practices to do at any given time? |
1:18:35 | What skills can I work on interpersonally to start facilitating or moving towards meaningful conversations between tribes? |
1:23:58 | What interests you about this community and these sessions in particular that might inspire some questions for us for next time? |
The Digital Porch: Session 4 w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger
Video 4
1:06 | Daniel, will you set the frame again for today, that you mentioned last time? |
4:44 | How do you deal personally with the ways in which people fixate on you when you’re in broadcast mode? What advice do you have for me and other people who are becoming more public figures and want to do good in the world at the same time? |
8:41 | How do you relate to the avatar of you that gets created in the broadcast medium? How do you relate to your own impression when you seem very careful about what you say and want to know your audience in case an information hazard gets unleashed? |
12:15 | Who are your mentors Daniel? Also who are young emerging people who have interesting theories of change, even if they are not fully formed yet? |
26:17 | What are the design principles that you have found most useful for collective problem solving? Are there criteria you use to promote or create a pro-social environment where a group of problem solvers are more likely to encounter meaningfully useful discussion, questions, potential solutions and generate working models? Have you found a “Dunbar’s number” of sorts for agents involved in collective design? How do you think about leveraging embodiment techniques or rituals to invoke such a container? |
46:00 | Could you just talk to your embodiment principles or techniques, not ayahuasca ceremonies, that may help with group coherence? |
51:42 | How can we move out of the nightmare of the commodification of animals but still meet our omnivorous needs? |
1:11:00 | How can we start to make a living for ourselves and our families without being so deeply attached and dependent on the corporate dynamics that most of us spend eight hours a day doing? What is your advice for someone who is trying to decide whether to continue with a good job for a good company that’s making the world at least marginally better, versus accepting the much greater levels of uncertainty and risk in the service of trying to actualize something they want to share from the heart? |
1:20:35 | Daniel, what are your closing thoughts from this session or the series as a whole? |